Seminar Legal Challenges of Financial and Corporate Innovation

Faculty of Law of the University of Porto

March 14, 2019

Will the Internet end? Will youtube disappear? Much has been written and said about the Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on copyright in the digital single market. CIJ has understood that it is time to bring together perhaps a debate together on the challenges that this Internet age brings to copyright as configured. The seminar will take place on March 14, starting at 2:30 p.m.. We look forward to all interested parties for a moment of open dialogue about what can be expected.

Round Table: The new copyright regulatory framework

The techonological obsolescent of reproduction rights in its classical conception
Alberto Hidalgo Cerezo (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - U.N.E.D.)

The place of education and research in the new copyright framework
José Domingo Portero Lameiro (CIJ; Universidade de Cádiz)

Copyright and cultural heritage
Ana Amorim (Universidade Portucalense)
4:15 p.m.: Coffee Break

Round Table: Cpyrights in context – borders and limits

The conflict between copyrights and other fundamental rights - exceptions to the copyrights

Nuno Sousa e Silva (Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Porto)

The challenges of Hyperlinks - From copirughts to privacy
Carolina Moniz Pina (Vieira de Almeida, Sociedade de Advogados)

Artificial Intelligence and Copyrights
Tiago Bessa (Vieira de Almeida, Sociedade de Advogados)