Seminar “Penal Reform and Environmental Law”

Faculty of Law of the University of Porto

September 29, 2006



Master Marta Chantal Ribeiro (Member of CIJ — Faculty of Law of the University of Porto)
Prof. Doutor Hélder Spínola (President of QUERCUS)
Dr. José Augusto da Silva Ferreira (President of the Republic of Law - Coimbra Legal Association)
Dra. Maria de Lurdes Cravo (Coimbra City Counsil)


I.ª Part 
“The Portuguese panorama and some foreign experiences”

Prof. Doctor João Coimbra (President of the Interdisciplinary Center for Marine and Environmental Research, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar)


“Criminal Environment Law: between symbol and reality”
Dr. Paulo Magalhães (QUERCUS Legal Department Coordinator)

“Reform of the Criminal Environment Law”
Prof.ª Doctor Maria Paula Ribeiro de Faria (Catholic University of Porto and member of the Mission Unit for Penal Reform)

“La protección penal del medio ambiente en el Derecho Español“
Prof. Doctor Francisco Muñoz Conde (Universidade Pablo de Olavide, Sevilha)

“The Dutch Exerience”
Prof. Doctor Tim Boekhout van Solinge (Willem Pompe Instituut voor Strafrechtwetenschappen / Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology – Universidade de Utrecht)

II.ª Part
“Looking for solutions: Articles 278.º and 279.º under discussion”

Dr. Paulo Rangel (Member of the Assembly of the Republic; Catholic University of Porto; Lawyer)


“Species Enhancement Criteria”
Master Fernando Queirós Monteiro (Agrarian School of Castelo Branco)

“Pollution: Will the current proposal be sufficiently effective?”
Prof.ª Doctor Lúcia Guilhermino (President of the College of the Environment - Order of Biologists, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar and Director of the Ecotoxicology Laboratory of the Interdisciplinary Center for Marine and Environmental Research)

Round Table:
Dr. António Leones Dantas (Assistant Attorney General and Member of the Advisory Board of the Public Prosecutor's Office)
Prof. Doctor Francisco Muñoz Conde
Prof. Doctor Hélder Spínola
Prof.ª Doctor Lúcia Guilhermino
Dr. Paulo Magalhães Dr. Rui Pereira (Coordinator of the Mission Unit for Penal Reform) to be confirmed

Dr. António Leones Dantas (Assistant Attorney General and Member of the Advisory Council of the Attorney General's Office)